Tuesday 21 August 2012

[PS3] Dead or Alive 5 Collector's Edition Pre-Ordered!

Hi gamers and collectors!

A very short story here. I took a trip up to the local mall to pre-order Dead or Alive 5 Collector's Edition. You'll be familiar with it if you follow Tecmo on Twitter or even be a member of their Facebook page, it's everywhere. It was priced at $110 ($108) in Australia, a little more expensive than the UK at $105.
Not too sure why Tecmo made the decision to only sell it at one chain of stores here, weirdly enough there are multiple choices in the UK and other countries. So by saying that the only place I could get it is from EB. Hmm...

It's been so long since I've pre-ordered a new release in Australia... I just hope Dead or Alive 5 will be worth it. I'm actually quite excited for it to tell the truth, I own every other DOA apart from Paradise (On my to get list!) this will be great for my collection!!
What actually enticed me to get this, is Sarah from Virtua Fighter is a playable character. She's like the Samus of SEGA lol. Anyway, that's enough rambling for me...
A lot more games currently in the shipping process, and will be here sometime this week. See you there!

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