Thursday 17 May 2012

Interesting Korean Console Variations (Images)

Hi Gamers!

If you're a video game collector but usually collect more hardware than software, you'd notice the variations between different country releases, for example the Famicom and the NES. However Korea is a weird country when it comes to variation from consoles, first off other companies stamp their logos on the top, side or underneath while keeping all original licensing. Also they're only compatible with their own region games, and as far as I can remember, even the Korean Nintendo Wii has no cIOSs... What's with Korean consoles being so distant?

Without too much fluffing about how different they are, how about we take a look at some of them?

First off, we're looking at a Master System 2 and Original they're known as "Gam-Boy" systems published by Samsung

Here is a Nintendo 64 with Korean markings on the housing, nothing really different apart from that. On the expansion slot there is meaning to have "Super Com Boy 64" which has been scratched off for some unknown reason..
More differences are underneath. The Nintendo 64 was published by Hyundai.

Here we have a Super Com Boy (Super Nintendo) which only has some Korean titling on the front and power LED + Controller. Different labels of course and oops, looks like RF isn't an option, that damn sticker is in the way!
Also published by Hyundai for Nintendo.

Here is a 3DO by Goldstar, only noticable difference is the 'ALIVE' planted on the top of the console and some Korean translation for power, tray and reset.

Korean Gameboy which I'm guessing is published by Hyundai too, but no back image sadly...

Korean Neo-Geo AES, with Gray markings and no translated switches, why not?

Next we have a Korean NES which varies from the Hong Kong version, the NES also has a different name "COMBOY" You'd think it's a very good pirate system, but no it's genuine. Also published by Hyundai.

A system any collector would kill for, a Samsung Saturn, with different art on the CD Lid and SEGA Doesn't even get a mention on this one... "Nope it's our system, we made it!" - Samsung :P
Well actually Samsung I believe made the soundchip for the Saturn but that's another story...

Woah! What's this space ship do? Well no it's a Korean 8-bit system (I think) known as the Zemmix.

Well, that's all I have for you gamers at this stage, as usual I'll post another article here soon. Thanks for reading :>

Source, Images, Information from all the awesome people over at ASSEMblergames forum.

1 comment:

  1. It's so strange seeing the Sega Master System called Gam-Boy. So close to Game Boy! I just can't wrap my head around it :P
