Monday 4 June 2012

UPDATES!!!! Upcoming rage and playthrough videos, Lollipop Chainsaw hype and a dirty gem!

Hi gamers!

Sorry for the lack of content lately, but I've been mainly vlogging recently, and for me it's quite fun to do so and my latest one has gotten more view than I expected although it's a response, it still has a good amount of views.
I don't go on too long about my videos so far, but I'm planning on doing some play through videos and some arcade racing related hint content.

Now about my rage video -- This video I've been planning since April, I have a few ideas on what games to use and how I'd go about it. As anger is usually amusing for the viewers, it needs to be genuine or acted well in order for it to be funny... So that's where all my planning has been going. Although it was requested by someone dear to me, I'm hoping she will get the most laughs from it.

No we're not talking about videos no more, oh no, it's to that H word, yes Hype... Lollipop Chainsaw is SOON to be released next...FRIDAY! Holyshit, June has hit! Waiting for this game since last year and its soon to be played.

It's actually the ONLY game I've been jumping and down for and yes even more than Dead or Alive 5, and that's saying something.
So, now I'm on the search for a lot of Lollipop Chainsaw merch which I've gotten a friend of mine to contact the development team for.

Lastly, what am I talking about when I mention a dirty gem? Well, the long waited search 2 years (record for video game hunting for one game) AV Beautiful Girl Fighter was offered to me by a very generous member of my favourite forum. For those of you who have no fucking idea what I just mentioned, let me give you a little bit of information about this dirty gem:

AV Beautiful Girl Fighter, is a original pirate game made by the Somari Team for the Famicom -- long story short it's an unofficial fighting game using the SFII engine with stolen characters, such as Chun-Li and Sailor Moon characters etc I won't describe the game in full so here is a Wiki about the whole game [ link ]
Of course this game won't excite many people out there, but it's a pirate game I actually loved playing the ROM of. It's a bitch to play, but it's just as fun as Kart Fighter, oh did I mention it was a hack of Kart Fighter? Well maybe you'd wanna know about that too [ link ]. It's an extremely rare game, and highly collectable :D

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