Wednesday 16 May 2012

Lollipop Chainsaw finally pre-ordered!

Hi gamers!

The long wait has finally gotten shorter with only 5 weeks left till Lollipop Chainsaw gets released! Just like all Diablo 3 fans, I'm hyped for this game, well maybe not like Diablo 3 fans...
I was thinking of buying this at a local store here, but so, so many had the game for $70-$80 which is just a pure rip off. So guess what? I ordered it from the UK :3 at just $46 lncl. shipping. Yes, that's the Playstation 3 version if you're wondering...
Actually my Playstation 3 won't be playing blur for a change, wow. XD
I won't let this entry become a "AUSTRALIAN GAMING MARKET IS A RIPPOFF" rant, so I guess I should end it here.

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