Tuesday 17 April 2012

Updates, I haz dem! Upcoming videos, life and other stuffs :>

Hi gamers *cough, cough*

I can only start this entry negatively, I've caught a bad dose of the flu virus which is only going prolong my production time for my new videos which I had planned. 1 of them will include having to act (kinda) but of course I don't want to sound horrible, which right now I just got my voice back but still have trouble breathing.
My other video would still require me to talk so that's also going to be delayed :(.

You maybe wondering what the hell am I thinking of, well even though my gaming channel is mainly for reviews and my collection, I thought I'd take a break from all seriousness and do a short funny video, not sure how funny it will be but we'll see ^^.
I got the idea for this from a new friend of mine. She was telling me about raging in games, I can't say exactly what she said otherwise it'd ruin the video, ROFL.

In terms of my collection, it's moving along quite steady a few more games coming in soon, just currently in postage and payments :> so some more collection videos soon as well, I haven't forgotten.

While still on the topic of my videos, the Goldeneye Speccy video has really gotten some attention, and even the original discoverer had a say in the comments, also one of Ashens's best friend Larry commented I was truely stunned! More videos similar to that will be coming as well, I've got a lot of content listed in my mind so hopefully it will get similar popularity.

For those of you know know me well from ASSEMbler forums would of seen my moving countries experience thread. I question what the process is like and what not. It does sound like a lot of organizing and hassles. Still there is a lot I want while wanting to move to the USA, even though purely it's for collecting and job purposes I also have a lot of personal things and goals to complete over there.

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