Friday 18 November 2011

Royal Airmail the fuck is going on? -- I GOT MORTAL KOMBAT though!

Hi gamers,

As confusing as the bloody title is I've got great news! I recieved Mortal Kombat!!! Such a fantastic game and I'm loving every second of it, apart from getting frustrated at the AI, but it's very additive, violent and has Mileena :D.

Now Royal Airmail where to start... It's confusing and slow. I ordered Mortal Kombat last week and it arrived today. Ordered Metroid Other M, Guild Wars, Ridge Racer V and Wreckless they all have not arrived yet and ALL from the UK. Now why did Mortal Kombat come first? So confusing and frustrating, too bad everything I want comes from the UK and believe it or not it's the most affordable way to buy games, even with the exchange rate! Well I keep digging deeper and deeper into the topic but I think you get the idea. :) 

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