Wednesday 9 November 2011

Playstation 3 metldr838exploit leaked. Pissed developer reveals how it's done!

Hi gamers,

This was brought to my attention by a story I read today, the 'metldr' exploit was leaked by another scene member for some unknown reason without actually knowning what the exploit does he/she went ahead with it anyway. The original developer then posted all his research and efforts as a text file and sent it out on various Playstation 3 scene forums, this file has now been posted on many more forums and has now spread like wild fire.

The original developer for this exploit has this to say:
1:15pm] <Mathieulh> leakers gotta leak
[1:15pm] <Mathieulh> I am actually explaining how it works
[1:15pm] <Mathieulh> and put a big screw to the scene with it
[1:15pm] <Mathieulh> cause the fucking leaker wouldn't be able to tell you how it fucking works
Now as a final line, I'd like to say screw leakers, screw the scene, and this is my last contribution to it EVER. It seems I can't even trust fellow developers to keep my work safe and not leaking it. (Not like any of them would have been able to tell you how all this even works in the first place)
This is absolutely no use to end-users but this exploit could open up a clean path for all scene developers, it's very unfair that Mathieulh's exploit got leaked by some ungrateful person you'd think someone else who is developing in the scene could be trusted. To any developer out there, keep your codes/research to yourself as you'd like your name to be on the end result not somebody else's.

So what exactly does this exploit lead to? Well it can pretty much lead to hacks like Dark_Alex did many moons ago with the PSP. Pretty exciting news but at the same time very disappointing. Seems pretty interesting thought it was worth the share.

Sources: textfile | original | thread

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