Wednesday 10 April 2013

[XBOX] Pariah has Arrived!

Welcome back gamers and collectors!

To yet another addition to my XBOX collection, and here I have Pariah. I went game hunting at the beginning of this week as I haven't been hunting local shops for a few months now. As I risked being finned from local transport authorities for double dipping on my transport card, I made it to the store. As usual I headed down with my friend, when we walked into the store we headed straight for the games (of course), I go in the XBOX direction, and he goes for the Playstation and Playstation direction. I spent a good 20 minutes sorting through the sports, and classics titles, I pulled 15 games out that were all black label and sorted through them. I came home with 14 as I already had one of them that I forgot I owned.

In the coming days, I'll be adding posting which games I got that day. There is a lot to get through, and many of them are in the mid price range. Some are very, very common and others are not expensive, but uncommon. I tested all of them and they all work perfectly. I may get some polished as they are quite heavily scratched. From what I could tell these were all from the same owner, as they all were in similar condition, one after the next.

So to start this off I have Pariah. From the same people that made Stolen, a game I posted about moons ago when I started collecting for the XBOX. Pariah, got great reviews in the generation and it does look quite impressive, this will be on my to-play list :)

Condition of the game is acceptable, and contents is rather good. No deep scratches either, the Philips drive however doesn't play scratched games very well, however Hitachi-LG powers through scratches like Power Girl and yes that Hitachi drive is in my custom XBOX :p

More games to come during the week, see you there!

1 comment:

  1. lol running a Samsung 616T here, but un-modded BIOS.

    I use a fine car polish for disc scratches -- good results!
