Saturday 16 March 2013

[XBOX] Burnout 3: Takedown has Arrived!!

Hi gamers and collectors,

Welcome back to yet another addition to my XBOX collection, and here I have Burnout 3: Takedown. Hands down this was a major leap for the Burnout series, with a new publisher, new game physics, new graphical engine, overall a major facelift.

I bought Burnout 3 on release day, traded-in Burnout and Vice City with a major $15 discount on a $60 game /sarcasm/. Waited 3 hours for my mother to complete grocery shopping, got home and rushed to the Playstation 2. Booted up Burnout 3 and I was simply amazed! How updated Burnout felt, sat through the repeated tutorial videos and started a race. I can't recall exactly my reactions but they were pretty indescribable.

 Until I grabbed it on the XBOX, words can't describe how much better the XBOX renders multi-platform releases.
It doesn't just stop at how much prettier the XBOX does it's thing, but the overall control with the triggers just enhances the game play. Actually as I'm typing up this post, I'm listening to the soundtrack, another amazing plus by the new publisher. Which is now frowned upon today, what happened EA?

This pick-up was overall a major flashback. When I opened the cover that disc reminds me of all the great times I had with this game, it being in great condition reminded me of day I bought it on launch. Ahhh nostalgia!  :) - Case and manual are in the same condition!

That's enough rambling for me, more games to come during the week. See you there!

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