Monday 3 September 2012

[XBOX] 007: From Russia With Love Arrived!!

Hi gamers and collectors!

Firstly this entry is going to be rather short, I'm quite tired this afternoon -_- zzzz
The last game from the large parcel on Friday, 007: From Russia With Love arrived! I'm very close to owning all 007 titles for the XBOX and I'm only missing one title ^^. I never knew about this game while the XBOX was on the market, and that's probably because it wasn't the best Bond game released for the system, which we'll get to later.

Condition, bet you knew this was coming! It's overall in fantastic shape for it's age and box type. Booklet and DVD also get the thumbs up.

So back to where I mentioned this wasn't the best Bond game for the system. Allow me to explain. A few problems I encountered, one of them was the Framerate (FPS) just from experience I think the game in some areas drop to a low 15fps, when there isn't much detail around it feels 25-30fps which is rather poor for the system at the time, sure it's one of best looking 007 titles. However most games on the XBOX ran at 45-60fps, it probably doesn't help the game is 3rd person either. Which brings us to it's next problem, the 3rd person change. All Bond games you would of played previously were all First-Person Shooters, why this was the only 3rd person Bond game is completely beyond me and I just can't calculate it.
Now don't get me wrong, with those problems aside it's rather entertaining, and Sean Connery is my second favourite 007. It does make use of Connery marketing by including his voice, which is a rather good touch to the story. Guess I can't complain as I picked this one up for $3.75 :P

More games to come, see you there!

1 comment:

  1. I never knew about this game while free xbox live codes 2011 the XBOX was on the market, and that's probably because it wasn't the best Bond game released for the system, which we'll get to later.
