Saturday 8 September 2012

[UPDATE] Collection Updates and Other Rambling

Hi gamers and collectors!

Well it's been rather quiet for the XBOX collection at the moment, it's not that I haven't bought anything but it hasn't been sent or it's in transit...Fun right? Anyway, so I thought I'd just update you guys on what currently my collection sits at and the future of it.

When my blog started I was collecting Nintendo 64 items heavily, as costly and fun as it was I had to bring it to a halt. You see, XBOX items are much more affordable for me and less likely to cause problems with sellers. I've been nothing but a little disappointed in sellers not describing things correctly, so when I get an income I'll start collecting Nintendo 64 items again. With having said that, mainly you'll be seeing XBOX guff quite a bit here, don't get me wrong I love Nintendo and the 64 but right now XBOX is interesting me.

So where abouts is my collection at? Currently sitting at 33 (34) games and 3 (4) systems. Why are the numbers in brackets you ask? Well those are items being shipped to me at the moment, and I think neither of them have been sent yet. About the system in shipment, I'll leave that as a surprise :3.
Below you find the visual equivalent of what I just said :P

I really do wish money was no object for me, sadly I have to watch every cent. Please someone hire me! ;_;

Anyhow, I'll be doing searches at random pawn shops and stores alike to see what I can find. I spoke to the creator of Past-to-Present Online, and friend Mr Borman and great information was shared. He's really helped me with prices and what to look out for, so thanks man!

Other than XBOX what else is there to talk about? Well not much really, I've been planning a few 'first-time' modding projects and I STILL have to repair the PAL Saturn that I fucked up -_- too bad I still need the tools to do so and that's even more money I need to spend. Still have some spare games and movies to sell so those will be on eBay again in the near future, with that cash I'll buy the modding tools =^.^=

Well that's about it for me...
More stuff to come, see you there!

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