Friday 31 August 2012

[XBOX] Tomb Raider: Legend Arrived!

Hi gamers and collectors!

I woke up to some disappointing news, an email from PayPal saying I was denied my refund. Even though I gave clear evidence that the copy of Rogue Ops I received was indeed an resealed, replacement case. My guess is that THIS seller is a "top rated seller" and eBay stuck to his side the whole time. You know, that's fine it's just a warning to everyone who's looking for sealed games never buy ANYTHING from THIS seller. Take your chances if you wish, but most likely it's resealed... On top of that, his idea of compensation is just plain ludicrous! "Bought an XBOX game? Here have a bonus disc from another game on another platform." What an asshole... after I declined that, he offered me DLC codes, yes, DLC CODES for MORE GAMES I DON'T OWN! Then later said I blew the whole problem out of proportion. Anal ring this guy is! You know what doesn't make sense? If he was willing to post ANOTHER item for $8 why couldn't he refund my $8 game? Yeah that's right, too much effort to reseal huh? Well I still get to destroy your feedback, think being rude and yelling at me in messages is going to just not bother me? Anyway, there's your warning collectors... Now let's get into some positive news!

Got a rather large parcel today, but for now... I'll just talk about the copy of Tomb Raider: Legend that I received today. As many of you know or will know now, I love Tomb Raider or should I say I love Lara Croft? Lol, so this game was later released on the XBOX 360 with updated visuals, so you're probably familiar seeing the game at some point. However, the XBOX version rather rare or expensive (for an XBOX game) also the Australian release. This was the second expensive game I've picked up for the XBOX so far, which set me back $14.50 compared to the $3-$8 games I've been getting... All other platforms it was released for wouldn't cost any more than a dime.

Now for the condition! The case is quite damaged on the spine in the top left otherwise it's rather acceptable.

The manual and the disc fall under a slightly different category - Very good. ^^

While testing the game I got rather hooked, the visuals for the XBOX standard AV pack look stunning on the 42" TV...And no that's NOT sarcasm, really it does look great! Not sure if this game is 720p enabled or not. Might look into it.

More games to come, see you there!

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