Tuesday 28 August 2012

[XBOX] Rogue Ops has Arrived! -- Sadly scammed

Hi gamers and collectors!

As awesome as the postman is, I had to go to the post office to pick up my parcel. So I opened up the parcel, checked the game over quickly as I was playing online at the time and put it down. After I finished the race I was on, I unwrapped the game, removed the sticker and opened the case... Cool. Hang on! The print from the XBOX label rubbed off onto my thumb, that's odd I thought...Hmm. So I opened up the case and realised it's very flimsy, not only that but the colour is all wrong... Transparent green?! What a load of bullshit, what a load of fucking bullshit it's a replacement case, with a fake XBOX seal and a polished disc and sold as New and Sealed. Fuck me...

So I sent a message to the seller who hasn't responded yet, if I get a bullshit message or something I'll make a whole story to say not to buy from this person. Even with a link to his eBay page, I know eBay won't do anything to fix this situation so I'm really hoping to get a reply from him.
I happened to find the cases he bought and sealed up to make them look "new", so I sent a link to those cases to him. So how did I spot this fake apart from the colour and splodgy label? Easy, the seal wasn't right to begin with. The seam was on the spine which no games are sealed from the spine, NEVER. There is usually a tear strip of some kind or no seam at all.

Sure, the game works fine and the manual is a bit marked but still this isn't what I paid for, and I'm really looking forward to his reply as I found out all the flaws in his scam. Tread carefully collectors, we have a decoy among us.

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