Sunday 10 June 2012

AV Beautiful Girl Fighter has been shipped, and updates.

Hi gamers!

In my last entry I told you about a member from my favourite forum contacted me saying they had a copy of AVBGF. A little while ago I got a message saying it's been posted, so I've got the tracking number and will update on it's process. If this arrives at the same day Lollipop Chainsaw arrives, it will make my day completely :3

On the topic of Lollipop Chainsaw, I've been hassling local stores for a promo poster, I've asked in about 10 places and most of them have ignored or said no. So I'll continue to ask them as they throw them away (I've seen them do it before!), I've got a few friends keeping an eye out for me as well, but I doubt I'll ever see one

During the afternoon I managed to finally sell my iPod Touch 2nd Gen, for $110 on eBay, not too sure where this money will go but I'm guessing towards my Nintendo 64 collection or a BatGirl Bishoujo statue, but most likely both.

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