Wednesday 16 May 2012

BUNG Doctor V64 cry for help!

Hi gamers!

Just last week my V64 decided to not display anything, just a black screen or if I'm lucky a noisy picture.
So I opened the system up and had a look at the board, and as I'm not experienced with the board or anything of that nature there was nothing screaming out at me that looked broken. So I cleaned the board a little bit with a brush and still the same problem...

So I contacted the Doctor of all gaming systems "Lukemorse1" from YouTube for help, I'm currently waiting to see what he has to say on the matter, I've recorded video, and took images of the board for him to inspect.
It's a weirdly built unit and it's a little difficult for me to pull the board up without tugging at it, so for now I just left it how it is and waiting for information from Lukemorse.

Thought I'd just give a small update on what's been happening, money issues have risen once again so Nintendo 64 collecting is currently at a stand still :(

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