Tuesday 27 December 2011

Promises made, more XBOX and Nintendo 64 stuff ordered!

Hi gamers!

After the Christmas rush and boxing day, it's back on eBay for the new collection goals. As I mentioned a few moons ago I will be collecting mainly for XBOX and Nintendo 64, I know this seems like a weird pair but by far these consoles interest me the most.

So while searching through eBay I've found some games, accessories, and actually a figure found it's way into my buy list, I just keep getting geekier by the month :P. Some of them are more uncommon than others but at the moment, that's not really what I'm going for. I'm aiming towards good games that will really make nice additions to my current collection.

First off is an EXTREME Green Nintendo 64 controller, this would have to be the rarest accessory I have picked up so far. It was only sold in Toys 'R' Us. I have ordered two of these controllers as the seller was kind enough to put them into the same package for no additional costs, which was a very large opportunity as Australian sellers are selling these controllers for $120 each, boxed or not, how outrageous.
The name EXTREME Green really means extreme.. Well just look at it!

I'm quite the Dead or Alive fan, and so I'm missing Xtreme Volleyball, ordered that one too. Actually it's the best (by the photo) condition XBOX game I've ordered.
I'll be ordering more games soon, at the moment I've got orders going to all different places and I'm slowly getting confused but I'll be getting Bloodrayne 2 shortly.

Lastly the figure, I haven't actually ordered as of yet (Payment currently under transfer) but it's a promise I've told myself to keep. Morrigan from Darkstalkers is one of my favourite characters of all time very close to Samus and Kasumi. Sideshow is a pop culture figure designer for many game and anime characters, to me they seem to be very very high quality since some figures go for an amazing $500 on internet auction sites. Sideshow manage to make limited number of Morrigan figures, these figures are starting to get quite rare as I used to see quite a few of them on eBay.
I've been meaning to buy one of these figures for over 5 months now, I've just never had the money to do so after buying the Playstation 3.. oh god how that made me broke.

Anyhow I managed to find a place that has the Morrigan figure for $199 and now I have the money for it, yay! ^_^

Thought I'd give a little update, as nothing actually happened today that was that exciting. Didn't get to sleep until 6am from being in pain :< so I slept pretty much all day.. Quite excited about the next few weeks for deliveries ^^

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