Wednesday 28 December 2011

Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions -- I have completed it! Video review in next few months!

Hi gamers!

I just finish Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions on the XBOX, this game always takes me back to the days of playing an XBOX Kiosk/Pod/Demo Unit in K-mart and Target in primary school so I'm kinda a veteran. Anyway, this game is extremely difficult and tedious as the controls are sluggish and so are the cars and oh don't get me started on the smart ass traffic.

Many people on forums would rage about how annoying this game is, and I surely agree. The "A" mission set is piss easy for any average gamer, I instantly though "well, this game is simple" not until I started getting into the 4th mission in set "B" it was just getting ridiculous, jumping from boardwalk to boardwalk.. only talking about will get me frustrated so I'll leave it to the video review later on. Other wise there would be no point watching it ;)

I just wanted to share that with you guys, because this game is incredibly hard and not liked by many people. So this would be a good game for me to review since I've finished it. About my video reviews..
At this stage I'm still currently trying to figure out how I'd go about this, first off I will be making a *new* channel and will most likely have some collection videos with it. I just hope this kicks off and starts well also wishing I can pull this off. I better start dreaming now..

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