Tuesday 6 December 2011

New release posters acquired!

Hi gamers!

Today I took a trip into town with a friend I haven't seen in while. She took me to a few game stores, and one of them had new releases and posters which were fairly priced. Anyway, while looking around I was trying to find 3DS titles, unfortunately they didn't seem to stock any Nintendo titles other than Zelda (that I could find). Which then made me look around for the second time...

As I turned around I spotted a table full of posters as I looked through them I found a Mario Kart 7 and 5 Zelda Skyward Sword posters. I just had to get them, "stores" on eBay are charging $10 for each poster and of course the $4-5 postage.. They sold the posters there for $4 each which is really good considering that many stores throw their posters away or never give them away (which is really weird)...

I'll surely take a trip back with a postal tube, as carrying those posters on the tram/trolley was a real hassle.

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