Tuesday 14 August 2012

[XBOX] STOLEN has Arrived!!

Hi gamers and collectors!

It was my birthday 3 days ago and as a gift from my relatives I was handed money. I'm guessing you know where all this money is going to, that's right you guessed it...More games!
So I have a lot of love for the XBOX, there are plenty of games that the system has that any XBOX owner should have. I've bought a handful so far, and the reason for the slow updates on the matter is that most of them were auctions :( however I did win nearly all of them, if not I did win them all.

So the first game I bought was STOLEN, no no no it's the title of the game, Stolen. It's a 3rd person stealth based game, doing moves like Catwoman and getting away with the goods. I haven't played through it yet but that was the first objective :P

When the game arrived, of course my OCD set in and looked all over it for defects. Knowing this game wouldn't be worth an extra dime I wasn't so fussed but the case had a huge gash in the front, you won't see it in the pictures because I changed the case over from another game. I later checked the manual, every single page to see if any pages were missing or damaged, all those checks past. Anyhow, I popped in the XBOX and it loads the game fine...

Just as I was taking the above picture I noticed a shiny scratch on the label side of the disc. Now any gamer would know the label side is where well the label is, but it's what the label holds underneath is important. So held the disc up to the light and I could see straight through the scratch :(. So maybe later on in the game it might start to stutter or not load at all. Good thing my XBOX is modified and a backup will fix this problem... As it's not an expensive title (Got it for $10) I'll let it slide as the disc still works fine...at the start that is. You'll see what I mean in the picture below...

More updates to come during the week!

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