Monday 7 May 2012

Collection updates, Modern gaming hypes and other news.

Hi gamers!

With all my current health issues aside, my collection has been doing quite well. I do tend to break away from the Nintendo 64 and move more into modern gaming, but before I do that I also happen to jump back to getting a few XBOX games (they're dirt cheap at the moment). As much as I'm not too interested in modern gaming, there are plenty of squeals to game titles I've loved in previous generations, whether or not they will be good is an entirely different question.

So anyway, after I got back from doctors I opened the packages. The really fucked up thing was one of the sellers packed a game in a cereal box, and yes I'm cereal! A fucking cereal box, WHO THE FUCK WOULD DO THAT!? So without packing the game in a proper box he just slapped a fragile sticker on it hoping that would save it. Too bad it looks like it got stepped on by a dinosaur. Anyway, the game came a little crushed but it was okish, not too bad to the point that I would turn red... I should mention Vigilante 8 was the one in the cereal box...

With the way modern gaming has gone, it really hasn't impressed me much, although Dead or Alive 5, Lollipop Chainsaw and GTA 5 are catching my eye I guess it's not completely over for me. Hardware quality today is just getting worse and worse by the generation, I just don't understand why this is happening as gaming is such a great market... but I still want to be entertained while playing a video game, infact I think we all want to be. I'll be completely honest here, one game this generation has entertained me the most, and that's Blur (my logo isn't like it for nothing)... Many others I've just given up on. As quite a few of my friends are into Final Fantasy it's still good to hear that series is still going strong and going strong for so long. I haven't really experienced a great on going game series apart from Super Mario Bros, and even those are starting to go stale.

Hype is a word we see a lot of with games, and if IGN, Gametrailers and many other video game blog sites stopped posting rumours every week, people would have their own opinions on games, but too bad the general population of the world goes by what "video game generalist" say. A great game to have an example of is "Call of Duty" and yes I have played these games before, and I really don't see the major OMGZ0rd effect everyone else seems to get, it's another military simulator (if you can call it that) FPS. I love FPS games but CoD to me isn't that appealing I have to wet myself for. I think most of the fan base fail to see that it's pretty much the same game over and over again with a different cover, now don't get me wrong it's fine to love a game series but it would be great to hear about another game for a change...

People play games for fun, but others play it for it's popularity... and I think it's only going to get worse.

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