Saturday 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas! Go play Christmas Nights!!!

Hi gamers!

Just wanting to say hope tonight is the night everyone gets what they want for Christmas, and get to see their family and friends to celebrate this once a year event tomorrow. If you don't celebrate Christmas then Happy Holidays :)

We have an exciting year next year, Nintendo's Wii U will be out around March* the two handhelds Nintendo 3DS and SONY PSVita will be head to head, I can see amazing games coming out for both systems. Super Smash Bros 3DS is announced and may come out next year. Any how I won't hype it up for myself or you guys but anyway, Happy Holidays and have a great time.

Tonight I'll be playing Christmas Nights just to stay in the Christmas mood.
Also I'll mention a special Merry Christmas to all my friends that have given me gaming stuff to put towards my collection through out the year together with all the support for the drama that happened! Thank you so much guys, Merry Christmas to you all!

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