Monday 24 October 2011

A Working SEGA Neptune prototype LOST in a move!

Hi gamers,

Every SEGA fan knows the story behind the one and only Neptune, it's mainly just a stand-alone 32X anyway. It was going to be a in-between the Megadrive and Saturn time frame to prolong the life of the Megadrive.

Recently a prototype collector that goes by the name of drx contacted a 1st party SEGA producer, as he was asking more questions about the system and just about to finally have it in his collection the producer said he lost it while moving houses. Sounds like a lie right? It most likely is. drx has many weird boards from SEGA as he claims, and I do believe him, he is fairly trusted by the community he has released a lot of prototype material in the past.

How could a professional first party producer lose such a rare piece of hardware, hell it's not rare it's ONE working on earth, and it's now misplaced. Now don't get confused with the many that people have "spotted" they were just case prototypes, no guts inside.

We may hear about the one and only Neptune again some day, but for now it's going to fade into the past. Sad day for many SEGA freaks including me, I could of seen a HD image of one of these oh well.


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