Wednesday 15 February 2012

Some great 3DS titles to get you started!

Hi gamers!

There has been some debates going around on various forums I'm on with people asking if there is actually any good 3DS games out there. Much portable systems have bad games/ports and this has happened ever since the Gameboy, so let's take a look at which games I recommend to a new 3DS owner. If you're thinking about getting a Nintendo 3DS this may help you decide.

straight off the bat I'd really recommend Dead or Alive: Dimensions, a really good solid fighting game with lots of street pass/spot pass features, nice online play and very appealing to look at. Plenty of unlockables like new characters, stages and costumes.
At around $25-$30 it's a good game to pick up as it's not too expensive and can be found quite easily.

Dead or Alive Dimensions review can be found here
Which brings us to our next game Mario Kart 7, another fantastic Mario Kart game. New features, fluent gameplay and some hidden retro gems inside. This was recently released late last year so it can still be quite expensive around $70 at local stores, keep an eye out online and on sales as this game is worth picking up. Plenty of unlockables, and great online play!

Mario Kart 7 review can be found here
Super Mario 3D Land is another great game to look for, much like Mario Kart 7 it's a new release and will most likely be expensive for a while, so keep an eye out online and local store sales.
Unlike Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D Land is a great game to play while you commute to and from school/work/uni or even going on a short trip as it's pick up and play style caters for these type of events.

Super Mario 3D Land review can be found here
Lastly Ridge Racer 3D, if you like previous Ridge Racer titles this would be a great game to pick up. Also very affordable at $20-$25 it's great to have. Unlike PSP Ridge Racer games the graphics are not as great and 3D effect is quite low..Apart from those aspects this game is a lot of fun and still looks very nice on the 3DS. Lots of cars, tracks and events to unlock, just like the other Ridge Racer games!

Well there you have, these are the only 3DS games I own so far and very shortly I'll be getting Resident Evil Revelations. I have played the demo of the game so I'd still say get if you can afford it, just like any other new release it's $70 here, of course you can check online for a much better price. Hopefully this will help kick start you on the 3DS!

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