Tuesday 14 February 2012

EB Games and their "completeness" issues. Warning to all collectors!!!

Hi gamers!

This is a long post, so if you can't be bothered reading on, I'll be making another rant video on this exact same topic later on in the week.

I have another issue I've currently been experiencing in a few stores. As you know, my friends and I go to various stores and buying uncommon games for Playstation 2, XBOX 360 and sometimes PSP.
Sometimes it does excite us to see an uncommon game in EB for around $4-$18, as it would for any collector.

We all know how much I've complained about bad condition cases, but that's the least of our worries. Once you've finally found a fair looking case(s) you take it to the counter for the staff member to look for the game behind the counter for 20 minutes. 15 minutes later we've walked out the store and finished our purchase, however only 3/4 games we wanted to buy we now own. They simply had bad organization in the draws that they have missed placed one of the games we were after, but that's only the icing on top of our cake here.

To finish things off, we got back to class and waited for our 15 minute breather, during that time I got my friend to open all the games he bought for me to take a look at (these are games I usually wouldn't buy). While opening the case I found it was very very flimsy like VERY flimsy, unlike the usual slight flexibility you find in the Playstation 2 flexcases these felt like poor poor knockoffs and that's because they were...
From the untrained eye these look very original, some Playstation 2 cases vary in colour but only very slightly and NOT very noticeable unless you compare them side by side.
A very easy way to notice these is by popping them open and to not find the Playstation symbol on the inside.

Knock off case

Colour comparison 
This doesn't only apply to Playstation 2, there are incorrect cases for XBOX 360 and Playstation 3 sometimes, I know it just keeps getting better doesn't it?

What strikes me is, why some of these games have original cases and some have these replacement cases. Before you mention "that's how they're traded in" is a complete lie and you know it! They use these knockoff cases because the ones that are traded in are extremely poor condition or the game was traded in without it and it's simply more money in their till.

They seem to mix and match games thinking it just simply will not matter and yes fine for the average gamer it won't matter. Fine EB Games is a place that sells entertainment and not a collector's store but when since does carelessness take place over a presentable store and products?
It's like eating a filthy restaurant and saying it's only a place that sells meals.

You might be thinking; "Haven't thought of asking for a better case, or simply asking you don't want the game because it's incomplete?" In fact yes, I have and so has my friend. Last time we went to the store a game we wanted didn't have the booklet, so my friend said he won't be taking that game because there isn't a booklet. Without the staff member insisting on lowering the price or anything else rational, she hammered down replying that the game has on screen instructions as well... Are you fucking kidding me? What if he's a collector, What if it was a gift? What if he JUST WANTED THE FUCKING BOOKLET!!!?!?!? Don't think he only said no once, he said no a total of 10 times before she put the game down and started getting the other games he wanted to buy. Unbelievable...

On the final stretch there is just one more problem, JUST one more. If a game comes with two CD/DVDs, make sure you get both and both in the correct case and again this applies to collectors. My friend FINALLY found an reasonable priced copy of Final Fantasy-X, and guess what.. it's incomplete...

(Before you read any further on my collecting rants, please remember I nor or any other collector would like to hear your stupid comments about why it matters. You clearly just don't understand collecting to begin with, so this just isn't the blog for you to be reading...)

I know this a minor complaint but, take this as a warning guys. If you're collecting and you want stuff complete, help yourself and future collectors and not buy from EB for collection purposes unless you've pre-ordered. You get treated like an idiot. If you're a gamer who doesn't care about a missing booklet or incorrect case go right ahead it wouldn't bother you anyway. When it comes to reselling or trade in (another store) it maybe difficult! Keep it in mind.

All images taken by: An!NE

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