Wednesday 21 December 2011

Dead or Alive: Dimensions Arrived, Thoughts and Review

Hi gamers,

This afternoon Dead or Alive: Dimensions arrived, quickly I might add, got here in 1 day. Anyhow my first impressions on the game were quite positive, firstly I loved the little Kasumi on the 3DSOS and how the title screen uses the Gyro Sensor to look around the levels. However there are few 'misses' so to speak within the game which I'll get to later.

When I got into the game I selected Arcade straight away as I usually enjoy that mode on all other DOA games, I was greeted with a character select screen as usual but with *a lot* of "?" spaces the usual characters you get on all other DOA games were missing, like Christie, Hitomi, Helena just to name a few. This is some what ok as it drags the game's play time out, but I wanted to play as Hitomi first ah well. After that it's pretty much a shortened versions of the 8 stages you usually play in DOA, except you only play 5 I think. As usual there are loads of useless items you can unlock like Character "figurines", and there are the more useful unlocks like costumes (that's what we play DOA for right? :P).

The usual Arcade mode isn't the "story" mode as we are use to, it's now called "Chronicle", without spoiling too much there are some hints of Dead or Alive and I'm guessing it goes through the series from square one. By completing the set chapters you unlock extra characters, costumes and those pointless figurines. Well the figurines serve a small point, you can take pictures using the Gyroscope sensor much like the AR Games camera feature to take images of your favourite characters.

Graphics in the game are on par with Dead or Alive 2 just with a lot less AA, in some stages of the game you'll notice some FPS drop (and no I'm not talking about the slow motion Counter-Strike hits..) when you defeat your opponent you notice a lot of low FPS stages I really don't know why I guess there is too much detail in one scene. I have noticed this game drains a lot of my battery as apposed to Mario Kart 7, I guess it has some thing in relation to the very long FMVs you watch through out Chronicle mode.

On the topic of FMVs they're really well done some of them a stop motion camera pans but the dialogue is fantastic and the voice acting is spot on, some scenes got me a little emotional I know that's weird me saying that but I really got stuck into the storyline and started feeling sorry for certain characters and wanting to defeat others.

In conclusion this is a great Fighter for the Nintendo 3DS, takes good use and full potential of the 3DS hardware, great controls, animations, storyline, graphics and sound. This is a must for any DOA fan that has played the previous games in the series, and if this is your first DOA game don't worry as there is a lot of background information displayed through out Chronicle mode.

An Out-of-The-Park figure of 10/10 for me.

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