Tuesday, 9 October 2012

[PLAYSTATION3] I'm Hooked on Dead or Alive 5!!

Hi gamers and collectors!

Recently I've been hooked on Dead or Alive 5, just to let you know I'm not dead :p... I tried so hard to unlock Alpha-152, which is where most of my time has ended up. Many of you who play DOA 5 will know how lengthy and time consuming gaining 300 titles really is. Once you have Alpha-152, it's a great sense of accomplishment.

I haven't touched online play until I unlocked Alpha-152, well that's not completely true - I played online like 3 times and that was it. I had my heart set to get those 300 titles, if you haven't unlocked Alpha-152 you maybe wondering how did I gain 300 titles? Well it's rather time consuming that's for sure, it was number crunching at best, finding out what titles were quicker to obtain than others and working from there.
You'll want to gain every move set for every character you can do, spend hours figuring out how to do the moves, a button-masher like myself it was very difficult to time certain moves but I got there in the end. It's all about patients to gain all those titles for training. You'll want to look through your misson list and see what titles you'd personally be able to obtain, I for one and will be honest here, can't finish survival on Hard EVEN with Alpha-152. It seems the AI just rip me apart by the 8th rival, just what the hell? On the topic of survival I believe for Christie's "rare" swimsuit you need to complete survival on legend for the swimsuit? No way I'd be able to pull that one off, I'm not too sure why some low-rank players (F+-E-) cannot defeat me playing as Alpha-152 online, but can beat 100 Legend rivals on survival without losing once!? Something is surely not right there...

So yes, I'll certainly share what titles were easy to obtain in a YouTube video shortly!

If you haven't got Dead or Alive 5, and you loving fighting games grab it! It's not all about the women any more in this game, really the fighting engine here is true, and works perfectly! I wouldn't be hooked on a genre I don't usually play if it wasn't the case. Everyone who knows me, knows I used to play blur all the time on the PS3, and that's the only game I'd play - now that's DOA5!

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