Thursday 1 March 2012

Playstation 2 Pick ups - Burnout 2 and Primal

Hi gamers!

Today my second class got cancelled due to the inferior IT department not installing software we needed to learn, so I took this opportunity to check out the stores 10 minutes away.

As much as I dislike buying from these stores, sometimes I come across gems and that's what happened today. These are more personal gems (sounds so wrong) well Burnout 2 was. A non-platinum version of Burnout 2 is rather rare to come across. I bought the platinum version a long time ago, and as stupid as some EB staff are I got a non-platinum disc. This was when I was still in high school, which was many moons ago, anyhow I'm happy I found a black label copy today ^_^

My friends were with me today, and my friend said for me to get primal as it's a very good game he said, why not for $4 it seemed like a good buy.

I should also mention many stores now are clearing out Playstation 2 stuff, even lower than before! Most games are around the $1.50 - $5.00 mark! :<

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