Sunday 4 December 2011

PS Vita and it's Memory problem! Expect to pay a lot more! + cost comparisons!!

Hi gamers!

It's PS Vita time again and after doing a bit of research about the PSVita, I was quickly disappointed when I saw that the system has no on board memory.. AT ALL. This would mean SONY/Playstation fans who are going crazy about the PSVita would have to pay an additional $120 for the expandable memory.
The card it's self is called the "PSVita Card" "can tell they asked the brains trust on that name". They come in variety of sizes and are flashed based, on launch they will be available with sizes 2GB and 4GB.

I'm convinced the PSVita will be released in Australia at $300 - $350 + Memory (which isn't inbuilt, and WILL be needed for patches, and other updates). If the price I found out is true for the memory, it comes to a total of $470 for the 3G+WiFi and $420 for WiFi only. The figure for the memory is an outright ball park figure, don't let this scare you too much.. but much like the PSP's Memory Stick Pro Duo, those bitches were expensive back in the day for 4GB, I think I paid $100 or $120 for that card too. So it's a pretty big possibility.

Now let's take a piss in the lake and think about the current portable gaming market, with the most affordable alternatives. We have the iOS (well let's call that mobile, including the green robot himself) Nintendo DS and 3DS.

Let's first take the iPhone, many games on that platform are around the $3 - $7 mark and most of them are pick and play. No need to buy memory, no need for any other accessories it's all there. Since there are many different plans for the iPhone I can't really give a ballpark figure.

Nintendo 3DS - System it's self is retailing for around $235 - $250, it comes with a 2GB SD Card. Games each are around $40 - $70. Total $305

PS Vita - System it's self in Australia is going to sell for around $300 - $350, Memory will/might cost $120+ (again it's ball park figure, but it's happened before), games each will most likely cost $100 (knowing SONY) so in total at launch the HANDHELD system is going to really hurt your pocket. In total it's $570. Now that's a lotta money if you ask me.

I know, I know the other two have been around for a little longer, and the 3DS is guilty as it was very expensive when it came out with very few interesting launch titles. It has picked up though, it's a lot more affordable for one, secondly the games are very affordable on release they go for around $60.. Did I mention it comes with Memory of some sort?

This whole idea of no included memory for the PS Vita has really disappointed me, sure the PSP was the same but it came with a 32MB card which you could at least save your games on! Who knows, maybe your saves upload to your PSN account or something, but that might be already too much to give for gamers who pay for the system, games and possibly shipping...

FOLLOW UP: After a bit more research I found out that some games do NOT require a memory card, however, many games do. Mainly the good ones you would want to get on launch. Unless you want to play Michel Jackson's Experience.

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