Friday 25 November 2011

EA Games have officially screwed over PC gamers!!

Hi gamers,

This is most likely old news, but EA have officially screwed over PC gamers with their new Arcade racer "Need for Speed: The Run". Many people who play games on PC are built for maximum gaming experience, this would mean that they would have ultra settings and over 60FPS in many games.. EA made the new Need For Speed capped at 30FPS, that's the frame rate of a PAL Nintendo 64, games in 2011 need to be at least 60FPS to look good now, and we all expect that.

What are EA doing? Screwing over every single PC gamer out there?! Come on you fatcats treat PC gamers with respect, not everyone pirates your games, some people are actually paying for your scammy shit. Get over yourselves.

Remember my previous post about the demo of the game being horrible, well it sure does show in the final. This is another rushed arcade racer with NFS slapped onto the cover. Be smart and stay clear of this game, don't support it. EA has just lost their touch, and not recently either, I will not be supporting them any more until they start actually developing something worth picking up.

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