Sunday 27 November 2011

Affordable Megadrive/Genesis Flashcart is on it's way! By Haunted360

Hi gamers!

For any SEGA fan let alone a Megadrive fan will know how important it is to preserve their cartridges. There are ways of doing this but many of them require you to use the cartridge it's self.
There is the alternative of a flashcart, many many of these are on the market with various quality difference, some may have friendly UI and some might not. There are countless difference between them, and then comes the price.. This is what steers a lot of gamers away (including myself), as many of these cartridges are handmade they're also very difficult to make. has been developing a flashcart for a little while now it's still in early development however. It's in working state and does it promises, runs games. He aims for the flashcart to be affordable, and easy to use for all gamers, and with a clean simple UI. That's something to look forward to. I can't say too much yet as it's in early development stages, but looks very promising and sounds very interesting.

There is also some rolling footage (also known as a video) of it in action below.

You can follow it's progress here and also from Haunted360's twitter feed. Of course in the near future more progress will be made and reported here :)

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