Saturday 28 January 2012

Finally the Owner of Rumble Roses XX - The Review

Hi gamers!

I happened to miss one package yesterday no idea how but I did. I ripped it open and and found it was Rumble Roses XX. Such a rare game, and pretty expensive for a second-hand one as well. The disc was covered and I mean covered in sticker glue, I got a bit of water and tried to scrub it off but no luck. I found that cooking oil removes it easily, a good 30 minutes later -_-..

Now for the review..

Rumble Roses XX enables you to modify your "Rose" from costumes, body features (I bet you know what I mean by that) and intros.. There is now a shop you can buy extra outfits depending on your character. I've chosen Candy Cane so it's a variety of school girl outfits, and there are also extra swimsuits.
On the topic of Swimsuits, I still yet to even find the "Mud Match"..Hmm.

I still think Rumble Roses is better than XX, for small factor of more simple game play. You have all these EXP points, stats, different weight and all that stuff. Although it "DOESN'T" make XX horrible, just more confusing for a veteran player but it is easy to adapt to once you start getting into it.

The visuals are pretty good, it's one of the early XBOX 360 games so some textures appear low res. It's shame this is the case the XBOX 360 has the memory to pull these details off yet Konami decided to cut some corners. Why would you do that?

Overall it's a pretty nice game, and very entertaining to play. Your favourite "Roses" are all there and just like Rumble Roses many of them are locked at the start. I can be Candy Cane so I'm happy ^_^

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