Sunday 29 January 2012

Upcoming reviews!! What I plan to do.

Hi gamers!

Last night while I couldn't sleep I kept thinking what game I should review next. As much as I love Arcade Racers I'm thinking of starting off with Destruction Derby 64, my first review was for 1ns2ne and well that's current generation so I want to try and review something current generation gamers may have missed or fans of the games will enjoy to hear about again.

My choice for Destruction Derby 64 was because it was the first game I reviewed, for an assessment in high school we had to review a movie, or book and I asked if I could do a game. The teacher allowed me to do so, and I happened to print of documents about the game and handed them out to classmates.. What a waste of ink that was..

As always I'll stick to Nintendo 64 Arcade Racers for now, and then branch off into other systems. There are actually quite a few games on Playstation 2 I'd love to review. That's only 1 other system and there are quite a few I want to get through, that's right you guessed it XBOX.

I've ran into a small problem however, I do have a capture card for RCA input but not S-Video or even HD.. Game footage won't be HD for now but since I'm reviewing games from Nintendo 64 it wouldn't really matter, but I thought I'd throw that out there..

I plan to somewhat script some and actually plan out these reviews, so they won't be like my Insane 2 review where it was a first impression video. I used the term "review" lightly for 1nsane 2, well it was a first impression video like I said. Don't worry my review for Destrutcion Derby 64 and other games won't be like that, as 1nsane 2 was only out for 1 day, I thought an first impression video would work well and too be honest it has. Just reached over 110 views for the 3 days it's been up on my channel.

I'll try and have my own style to the reviews after watching so many other people review games it's hard not to adapt to their style. Hopefully you understand what I mean by that ><

That's pretty much all for me, see you in my next review.
Happy gaming!

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