Saturday 11 February 2012

Next XBOX has a HD Touch Screen controller... My thoughts.

Hi gamers!

I present another stupid rumour that's been spread around various gaming sites like IGN, Gametrailers, Gamespot and Eurogamer. Where any of this has come about is beyond all of us, just because Wii-U has a HD Tablet controller doesn't mean another company will soon follow, even if XBOX wanted to make a tablet controller there would be various amount of lawsuits...Don't you think?

We all know most of XBOX's market is the kinect more video game consoles are sold to families and so the parents would go for the most active console. So really the Next XBOX would surely have more kinect features than anything else I'm thinking.

The term "XBOX 720" has seemed to dive further down the list of titles for the next system. Now many are calling it the "NEXTBOX".

Well who knows, even though rumours this early on never match what the final is going to look like. There has been reports from Microsoft that the "NEXTBOX" won't be seen until 2013.

What's with all the rumours of this console that won't come out for another year!? Stupid game journalists, many of you have no clue what a CD-i is let alone the next XBOX. How come there isn't any rumours of the next Playstation yet?
They must be mind-mapping it still /sarcasm  

Sources: Various stupid rumour articles on Gamespot, IGN and so on and so fourth.

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