Hi gamers,
Today one of my classmates gave me a "Xenon" XBOX 360 for free, and he stated that the Motherboard was fried. However, it's getting the common RROD so I opened her up and clean out any dust that I could find. Then to test I left a game run for 4 hours and went without any problems, I thought maybe it's just cause it was cooled down 100% started her up again and guess what RROD. Looks like it needs to be repaired, which it isn't really hard to do. For now it works, but not 100%, I'm happy that my classmate offered the system to me and didn't throw it away sadly many dead systems do.
![](http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/321077_2294251029433_1043773906_32660759_1784055312_n.jpg) |
![](http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/304711_2295021048683_1043773906_32661180_1431168073_n.jpg) |
She's fine there.. |
Edit: I realized that it's a Xenon not a Jasper. Sorry.
For now this is HeXiGON signing out.
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