Friday 30 November 2012

[XBOX] MASHED: Drive to Survive has Arrived!!

Hi gamers and collectors!

Welcome back to yet another addition to my XBOX collection, and here I have MASHED: Drive to Survive. Ah, I remember borrowing a Playstation 2 Magazine from the local library and play a demo of this game on my Playstation 2. I played it again only today when it arrived, it's still as awesome as it was back when I played it on the demo disc.

I loaded the game up and horray! This copy works, and so it should cause of the condition of the DVD is spotless. This game was so well looked after, and it was the most cheapest one on eBay at the time. So much for paying double for it locally. I had to send that back, and push for a refund, why are many sellers assholes?

Condition! Well, I already mentioned the DVD is spotless, manual and case are rather alike with a few blemishes but nothing worth pointing out.

More games to come during the week, see you there!


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  2. Hi there
    The figure of a girl that appears in the photo... who is it? thank you
