Tuesday 7 February 2012

Vigilante 8 Review Uploaded, Public View Pending!

Hi gamers!

Today I completed my Vigilante 8 review on the Nintendo 64, it's rather short but I'm pending permission to release it to the public. There is some video footage that was captured by someone else. This person is very busy, as he owns a business and is currently transferring his server, and all other stuff.
I'm doing the right thing here, by asking permission first of course if I don't get a reply stating yes OR no, I'll have to edit the video or release it anyway.

I would say this review is a lot smoother, short and sweet. There are quite a few things I didn't mention but that's because I'm leaving it for the sequel as that game has so much to talk about with much more features. I'll cover both anyway in the next review for comparison sake, and I don't mean between the different platforms as there isn't much difference other than the graphics.

Anyway, that's all for me today.. Rather late I know but I thought I'd share the status of my next review.

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