Wednesday 8 February 2012

10x Winning Streak on Blur, reached rank 50 and a ingame argument!

Hi gamers!

I've been pretty quiet on my blog as in, writing stories. This is due to the point that I've been playing Blur so much recently.

I stopped playing at rank 36, my memory is kinda foggy on that but sounds about correct. Anyway, as I started playing again I got addicted twice as much as before resulting me in rocketing up to rank 50 in just 2 days. Of course after rank 40 the last few levels are piss easy and the reason for that is mainly the cars you unlock through out 40 to 50 are useless/you can do with out them.

Last mod you unlock is silent running which indeed was a mod I wanted ever since the start of multiplayer, but I hardly use it as you come out of the cloak from the smallest hits. Was fun using it on a few races though.

What really made me rank up so quickly is how many times I came first in a row, amazingly I got a 10x winning streak which is really rare for me. Most other level 50 players rage quit. As many players do they fight for 7th-5th place all the time which only gives the top 3 distance, and with the bottom 3 always using bolts and shunts on each other rather than shocks for the leading pack. If only those players would think straight this winning streak would not of happened to me, it's a positive thing for me sure but it's just too easy when this happens.

Last time I was level 49 :'(
There are great amount of cocky players on Blur, always ramming and thrashing around on the track. Usually when players do this one of two things can happen for you.

1. You can avoid the 'riot' and drive straight past, giving you a great amount of distance from the rest of the pack.

2. Getting caught in the middle of the 'riot' causing you to be defensive and ram back. Slows you down a hell of a lot and can cause you to spin out. Also forced to being rescued and set back even further.

Exactly why am I bringing this up? Well I started to get really angry at one player, the amount of cockyness that was coming from his driving was just aggravating, so I thought I'd counter his cockyness and play cocky myself. At every race I'd counter his ramming, manoeuvres, and powerups shots.
At this point, my heart started to increase in BPM as what I did became very effective, he couldn't pass me, slow me down or get close to me at all.

I get a message from this player, calling me all sorts of female names. (bitch, hoe, whore. etc). When players say these things to me, I often wonder WHY they call me female names.. Like I just don't get it. :shrug:

I replied to one of his messages saying him to watch his mouth, as PSN and XBOX LIVE are very strict on foul language. He took the bait and I reported his sorry ass! While thrashing on the track and only aiming for him which only made him more angry I could see it in his driving. At this stage he couldn't message me (blocked) as he continually spammed my inbox cursing at me, so the only way for him to really reply was to be aggressive in the game which only made him screw up even more.

10 races later of him trying to counter my attacks he disconnected. BL!

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